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Oct 07
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, October 2, 2007 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Carol Mattegat, Gerald Finnegan, Duane Giannini and Brian Budd. ABSENT:  Robert Connor. ALSO PRESENT: Chief Michael Kehoe,  Captain Joe Rios, two members of public, John Zyrlis from TPA Design Group, one member of press.


MINUTES. The minutes of September 4, 2007 will be amended as follows (changes in CAPITAL LETTERS):

“Commissioner Giannini reviewed the minutes of the June 5 and July 5 meetings. He noted that the plan referred to at the July 5 meeting was the Vollmer study. Commissioner Giannini moved that all motions made and passed at the July 5 meeting that referred to the plan have THE WORDS “the plan”.

Commissioner Giannini moved that the motion made at 6:25 p.m. on July 5 BE CHANGED TO add after “D1” THE WORDS “Queen Street Area Traffic Improvement Plan prepared by Vollmer Associates, 2321 Whitney Avenue, Hamden, CT.”

The Commission already recommended  AND APPROVED the crosswalk at the intersection of Glover Avenue EAST OF Meadow Street at the JUNE 5 meeting.

Commissioner Giannini moved to strike “the plan” and to add “Queen Street Area Traffic Improvement Plan prepared by Vollmer Associates, 2321 Whitney Avenue, Hamden, CT.” to the motion made at 6:28 p.m. of the July 5 meeting concerning E-1. Second by Commissioner Connor. Commissioner Finnegan moved to close discussion, second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried. Main motion unanimously carried.  

Page 3, delete “the Chief and the Captain have been in the field.”

Upon motion of Commissioner Finnegan,  the minutes of the regular meeting of September 4, 2007 and the addendum were unanimously approved as amended.

Upon motion of Commissioner Finnegan, the minutes of the special meeting of September 25, 2007 were unanimously accepted as presented.

CHIEF’S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (October, 2007). GL Accounts were unremarkable.  Overtime and Budget balances will be discussed later. Fleet  The command vehicle is in and we are waiting to have the communications system installed. Officer Ketchum is doing a tremendous job with the motorcycle enforcement.  Personnel it is anticipated that satellite academies will be operational in January or February. We have two on the waiting list at the Academy in January and two confirmed in March. Training report is included. Several Letters of appreciation were received. Regional Departments are meeting monthly and have $20,000 in seed money. The group also has grant money of $3-4,000. No Parking Sign at Newtown Savings Bank The DOT has found Chief Kehoe’s letter and he will wait for a response. Fairfield Hills Transportation System The Police Commission is very interested in working on the plan and Chief Kehoe is discussing this with the Public Works Director. He will also contact the Fairfield Hills Authority and Planning and Zoning. He has had discussions with the Land Use Director, George Benson.

The Commission noted that the proposed Youth Academy is on a private road and is only one building, therefore, they recommend approval by P&Z with no comments from the Commission.

CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (October, 2007)  included Motor Vehicle Activity Report, DUI Report, Monthly Calls for Service and Detective Division Report..
Checkpoint September 28 on South Main Street included 1,200 cars, one DUI and several infractions. The Captain and the Commission commend the officers involved. Motorcycle Enforcement with Officer Ketchum has been a great asset to the Department and Captain Rios recommends that the program continue. Officer Ketchum has taken a lead with motor vehicle enforcement.


Eton Plaza Renovations – Presentation by Frederick P. Clarke Associates. John Zyrlis of TPA Design Group discussed the project. There will be two entrances and exits on Queen Street (presently three), and one entrance and exit on Church Hill Road. There will be a 33,000 s.f. grocery store and retail of 14,000 and a bank on the corner. The left turn onto Queen Street would be eliminated. There would be right and left to and from Church Hill. There would be a drive through to the Lexington Gardens shopping center. There will be three crosswalks and a walkway to the bakery area. The application will have a public hearing before Inland Wetlands in November and will then go to Planning & Zoning.

The Police Commission is not in favor of a left turn onto Church Hill Road. Mr. Zrylis said that TPA is willing to put up a “No Left Turn” sign. The Commission would like the drive-up mailbox to remain. They would also like to have right and left exits onto Queen Street and a stop sign at the back of the building.

Mr. Zrylis said that the STC will have to approve a modified certificate. The Commission will be provided copies of the traffic study when it is completed this month.

Joe Kasper, representing Newtown Shopping Village suggests timing the traffic signal to shut down the four lanes. He said that the Shopping Village maintains the signal and it is very tricky to calculate pedestrian vs. vehicular crossings. He said that the Newtown Shopping Village supports this proposal.

Commissioner Finnegan moved to approve the application of Eton Plaza pending receipt of the traffic study and revised site map by the Police Commission. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.


Transfer $25,000 from Sworn Personnel 01310-1003 to Police Overtime-Grants 01310-1008. Chief Kehoe explained that the Department did not receive as much Federal and State alcohol grant money as had been anticipated. The Financial Director suggested this transfer.
Commissioner Finnegan moved to transfer $25,000 from Sworn Personnel 01310-1003 to Police Overtime-Grants 01310-1008. Second by Commissioner Gianinni and unanimously carried.

Discussion and possible action on Queen Street and Glover Ave. stop sign (requested from Commissioner’s Participation). Chief Kehoe had mailed the Commissioners a report of the accidents at that intersection from 2001 to the present. He felt that most of the accidents occurred because people stopping at the stop sign did not know what the people without a stop sign were going to do. He feels that a stop sign there would put a burden on the traffic agent  and the buses at the Middle School. He recommends that a professional traffic engineer review the intersection. Chairman Mattegat said that the Commission’s main concern with redesigning the intersection was that headlights would shine in the white house. Captain Rios asked if shrubs could be placed to block the lights. Commissioner Giannini moved that we petition the First Selectman’s office to approve funds for a traffic study at the intersection of Glover Avenue and Queen Street. Second by Commissioner Finnegan and unanimously carried.

Discussion and possible action on Application by Highland HC, LLC for a site development plan Phase II South Main Street. Commissioner Finnegan moved to accept Phase II of Highland HC LLC with the stipulation that a center turn lane be installed on Route 25. Second by Commissioner Budd and unanimously carried.

Discussion and possible action on the lease option purchase of the Department’s motorcycle. Chief Kehoe reported that due to receiving more money than estimated for trade-ins there is enough money in the Fleet Account for the purchase the motorcycle for $13,900. He recommends the purchase. Commissioner Giannini moved to allocate funds necessary for the purchase of the motorcycle in the amount of $13,900 from line item 01310-5002. Second by Commissioner Finnegan and unanimously carried.

Discussion and possible action on “No Turn on Red” sign eastbound Mile Hill at I-84 #11 Entrance. Chief Kehoe  expressed concern that motorists are not aware that westbound traffic entering Route 84 has an arrow when eastbound traffic has a red light. He said that the DOT suggested this sign which will be on a trip so that the light will turn back to a right arrow if there is no oncoming traffic. Commissioner Giannini moved to place a “No Turn on Red” sign east on Mile Hill Road at the entrance to Exit 11 of Route 84. Second by Commissioner Finnegan and unanimously carried.

Discussion and possible action on starting date for Probationary Police Officers. Chief Kehoe recommends the date of October 12. Commissioner moved that two probationary officers’ starting date is October 12, 2007. Second by Commissioner Budd and unanimously carried.

Discussion and possible action of Traffic Safety and Enforcement Strategy Report from the Chief of Police. ~Chief Kehoe noted that of a staffing level of 47, we have 43 on the payroll but that the staffing is actually 37 due to officers at the Academy, others on leave or illness, so that 75% of the patrol officers are available for duty. Thus he feels that assigning two officers to a new Traffic Unit should not be done until we are at a comfortable staffing level. Captain Rios noted that Officers Ketchum and Kullgren have been selected to be assigned to the Traffic Unit. Also Officer Silver is trained in truck safety. Chief Kehoe said that a tentative goal of the spring will be set to start the Traffic Unit. Commissioner Finnegan moved to accept and advocate the Traffic Safety and Enforcement Strategy Report to be implemented as soon as possible. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Review and acceptance of Policy and Procedure: Testifying (Revised P & P # 9.01), Civilian Attire (Revised P & P # 10.07), Wrecker-Towing Service Rotation (Revised 7.07). Commissioner Giannini moved to adopt Policy and Procedure: Testifying (Revised P & P # 9.01), Civilian Attire (Revised P & P # 10.07), Wrecker-Towing Service Rotation (Revised 7.07). Second by Commissioner Finnegan and unanimously carried.

Commissioner’s Participation. Commissioner  Giannini said that a citizen reported his gratitude that an officer who had stopped him while he was on his way to get his son did not detain him though he did not have his license with him and instead did a motor vehicle check to validate his license.

Executive Session.  Commissioner Giannini  moved to enter executive session at 10:00 p.m. to discuss update on pending civil claims and to invite Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend,  second by Commission Finnegan and unanimously carried. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk